34 God Listens to All Who Seek Him in Earnest Prayer. By John, the Apostle.

God Listens to All Who Seek Him in Earnest Prayer

I am here, John, the Apostle.

I have been listening to your conversation with the Doctor* regarding some of the uncertain passages which are to be found in the Gospel that bears my name, and I must tell you that as you continue to study this Gospel you will find a great many false and confusing statements in it. And I should like to corroborate the fact that, contrary to what is written in Chapter 9, Verse 31, "Now we know that God does not listen to sinners," that God listens to all those who seek Him in earnest prayer, whether that prayer be for the Divine Love or not, and surely the sinner who realizes he is a sinner and who comes to God to seek His Mercy and Loving-Kindness and pardon.

So you see how this false and misleading statement can cause, and has caused, untold injury to many who would have sought refuge in God, were they not turned away by the brutal and disconsolate passage I quoted above.

I just wanted to say these few words to corroborate what you stated in regard to this verse, and I wish to urge and encourage you to continue your work and obtain the truths which Jesus is giving you and suggesting to you as you go along. You are able to see, and should apply yourself through prayer to obtain such proportions of the Divine Love in your soul that errors and evil thoughts and desires will be as though nonexistent, and you will become a true disciple of Jesus, as I was when in the flesh.

So with my love to you and to the Doctor, I shall close and say good night.

John, the Apostle.


Principalities of the Air

I am here, James.

I am James, apostle of Jesus. This is the first time I am writing to you, although I have been present very often while Jesus and the other Celestial spirits have written to you, and I have been very much interested in your efforts to take the messages which we have been trying to give you.

You must realize that the most important and, I should say, the essential prerequisite in the ability to properly receive these messages is the possession of the Divine Love in your soul to the extent that you may take the messages in the way and in the terms which the spirits who are writing wish to convey, and for this reason the Divine Love is the means by which the proper rapport can be made.

Now, tonight I have been present and have been listening with interest to the discussion between you and the Doctor regarding the meaning of the principalities of the air such as mentioned previously in one of my messages to Mr. Padgett. And I wish to state that the meaning conforms to your conception of the materialized spirits whom I actually saw on the Mount of Transfiguration, and any other principalities of the air outside of these manifestations would be meaningless except for the angels outside the sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathea at the death of Jesus and also the materialization of Jesus, which I actually saw.

You may forget the description to be found in the New Testament version of Luke, which Luke did not write at all, and which deals with the opening of the graves and the letting loose of the spirits supposedly contained therein which ran about in the streets of Jerusalem showing themselves to many. This, as you realize, is strictly out of the imagination of the compilers of the Gospel many, many years after Luke had written his Gospel, and therein are contained these passages which the imaginative writers have put into his work.

But I actually did see the materialization of the spirits on the Mount of Transfiguration as well as the materialization of Jesus, himself, and I was referring chiefly to these in my message to Mr. Padgett.

I hope that this will give you the answer which you have been seeking and that you will discard all tales of supernatural events and occurrences said to take place at the crucifixion of Jesus because they never took place, for nothing that is opposed to the laws of the physical world could take place.

I am satisfied with the way you have received my message and I shall come again to write to you information on the doubtful passages in the New Testament which I can clear up by my direct testimony, and urge you to pray with all the earnest longing of your soul for more of the Divine Love, which will not only give you the necessary rapport with us but also enable you to have more faith in us and in our messages.

So I will stop now, and say good night to you and the Doctor,* and give you both my blessings and those of the Master who is also present. So with all my love, I am

Your brother in Christ,

St. James of the Bible, not James the Lesser.

* Dr. Leslie R. Stone.

Jesus Confirms James' Writing

I am here, Jesus.

I wish to confirm what James had to say regarding the principalities of the air, which I also beheld on the Mount of Transfiguration, and which included my materialization outside of the sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathea. And I should also like to say that the manifestations of God were all those manifestations of the powers which God, through the Divine Love, had bestowed upon me and which James and the other apostles who traveled through Galilee with me were very often able to see. And so you see that James is right in referring to the principalities of the air and the manifestations of God and the destruction of evil which took place with the healing of the many sick and crippled during my ministry in Palestine.

Your true friend and elder brother,


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