A Letter to Our Heavenly Father


By Alice Smith

Dearest Father . . .

You are so Great--the Creator of the vast Universe-and I am so very small in this great Universe that I feel inadequate; yet I believe that You love me, and that You know my every thought and feeling.

When I think of the world we live in, that seems to me to be very large, with the millions of Thy children in it (and we are all Your children), I marvel and wonder at all Your wonderful creations. So I am overwhelmed when I try to understand the vastness of Your Universe.

I marvel at the beauty of the sky and the billions of stars, the sun and moon, the sea and the earth with its flowers, plants and trees. With such beauty, all created by You, You must love us so dearly, to have given us so very much. I feel unworthy of such great love from You, yet my heart and soul yearn to come very close to You and find at-onement with You.

I've learnt that I can pray to You for Your Divine Love to flow into my soul, and this is wonderful to know--that You are truly our Father Who cares for us, Your children, with such wonderful Love, and that we can receive Your own Love in abundance, in our souls.

Thank you, Father, that this is so . . . that You have given us this wonderful privilege, this most wonderful Gift of all, and that You sent Your beloved son, Jesus, to bring this, the greatest news of all, to us.

I pray, please God, that very soon, everyone will come to know of and believe in Your Truths and Your Divine Love. For only with the growing of Your Love in our souls can we be cleansed and freed from the sins of this world. What a wonderful privilege to know this, and to have the opportunity to receive this greatest Gift of all from You, Heavenly Father, to Your children.

God of Glory, God of all,
Hear me, when to You I call.
Fill this very soul of mine
With Your Blessed Love Divine.

I'll try and express my feelings to You:
I become a humble child, of years but a few;
I kneel at Your feet, my head bent low,
And wonder how far I'll have to go
To reach Your Kingdom--that wonderful place
So full of Beauty and Love and Grace.

I become very still, and pray for Your Love,
And I'm filled with such Peace sent from Above.
My whole being is filled with Joy that flows,
And I feel Your Love as it grows and grows.
My soul, which I once thought was small,
Fills my whole being, yet I'm not very tall.

This wonderful feeling I long to share
With every human being, everywhere;
For nowhere on earth can it be found
And those who have it 'walk on Holy ground.'
For it's God's Love--His Love Divine
That transforms our souls, and makes us shine.
With all my love,
Alice Smith


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