We Thank Our Heavenly Father


by Rev. Phyllis Hayes 1995

[Our dear sister in Christ Phyllis Hayes passed into the world of spirit on March 29, 2000. She humbly and devotedly served our Heavenly Father through the spreading of His Truths of Divine Love for 50 years. She is survived by her husband, Rev. Percy Hayes, 6 children and 18 grandchildren.]

MY BELOVED HUSBAND, PERCY, was a minister in the United Church early in his life but was not satisfied with the teachings. Percy and I had both been seekers of truth as very young people. This search led us both to the Padgett books, and the wondrous writings of our elder brother, Jesus, and Celestials were, and are, a continuous source of joy and happiness for us.

Ever since our marriage 23 years ago, we have dedicated our lives to God, to forward the great truths brought forward by Jesus and Celestials. God has blessed us and we have great love and happiness. He meets all of our needs and, indeed, our cup runneth over.

Each day we give thanks for our many blessings and pray for the Father's Divine Love to fill our souls. We pray for one another, our family, friends, our Church, for the sick and lonely, the bereaved, the young people and their families.

Over the years, we have held many discussion groups, healing groups, and prayer groups using the Padgett books and forwarding the Truths of our Father. We also serve a number of churches at their usual Sunday services. We have always been very busy, which is truly a labour of Love.

We have a very popular TV show now in the third year through our local cable company, Rogers Cablesystems. This is a live show and is on the second Thursday of every month. Just this Thursday during the hour, we had 41 callers. Through this wonderful television opportunity we are able to reach many people with the Truths disseminated by Jesus through James Padgett. We are most grateful to Rogers Community TV for the opportunity to be used as a channel to further the great teachings of our loving elder brother Jesus, and this has given many hope that is so badly needed in the world.*

We thank our Heavenly Father for so many opportunities to serve and that we may be used as instruments of His Love and Truth. We thank our Father that our fellow Trustees in the Church of the New Birth have established that never will these important books of James E. Padgett be changed.


* [Rev. Percy Hayes continuesdtheir spiritual work on the local cable television show, which was viewed every Saturday evening at 8:00 p.m.]


Written by Rev. Phyllis Hayes in February 1991:


DR. LESLIE R. STONE visited our home in Vancouver, British Columbia during 1949 up to 1960. It was Dr. Stone's fervent desire to protect the original work of Jesus and Celestial Angels brought through James E. Padgett in all its purity, without change, for future generations forevermore.

As Trustees, Honorary Trustees and Members, it behooves us all to stand up also for these truths without change received from Jesus and the Celestial Angels. God's spiritual laws fit everyone and are not personal. Contradictions must be tested for their validity and cannot be compromised however it might appear to be justified.

May our prayers and our Father's Divine Love and Wisdom surround each and every one of us. May the endeavours of all be such that Jesus' work be here for future generations bringing Truth, Love, Light and food for the soul for mankind, forevermore.



Jesus told us that what he did you and I could do also, but in greater measure (not in quality but in quantity), for his life on earth was cut short by man's ignorance, greed and self-aggrandizement.

But even unto his physical death, Jesus never did recant the Truth of our Father God. He remained true to his mission as the Messiah to bring to light that God's Wonderful Divine Love was available to all mankind both on earth as well as in the spirit world. His mission is the same today and will never change in the future.

The writers of the New Testament preserved some Truths such as, As we sow, so must we also reap; this is true, but many statements Jesus was reported as saying were never in fact said by Jesus, so we have a great mixture of truth and untruth in the Bible. Yet still this book (the Bible) is being changed today in order to suit the beliefs of some individuals. It is no wonder why mankind today lives in such ignorance of the Spiritual Laws of God and children of God everywhere are confused because of the man-made dogmas, creeds, beliefs and rituals which do not help man progress in his soul but serve only to confuse the mind.

There are those of us who, like our loving elder brother Jesus, stand only for Truth and as such, therefore, we should all, as Trustees or Honorary Trustees, insist it be our spiritual duty to uphold the Truths given by Jesus and those Celestial Angels who follow him, accurately and simply brought through by the mediumship of James E. Padgett and edited by Dr. Stone, to remain, and I say, remain, complete in their purity forevermore.

Jesus has been misrepresented and misinterpreted over all these centuries and since, for the first time, he was able to bring through Mr. James Padgett the most important truths of his mission on earth in purity and simplicity so all could understand, these truths will never change just as God's Immutable Laws will never change.

The Truths of our Father fit every soul, so when we read that which does not fit the soul as being from Jesus or any Celestial being, then we must stand up and be counted as Jesus did nearly 2000 years ago and was cruelly murdered for his stand for truth, but he remained faithful to our Heavenly Father and as such lives in great joy, love, peace and harmony; and we may have this also if we long for the inflowing of our Father's Divine Love and pray earnestly that our souls be filled in great abundance.

May our Father's Great Love flow into all of our souls today and always, and through this Love become true brothers and sisters, and we will all live in great harmony.

May our Father's Wondrous Will prevail in all our lives today and always and may His Blessings be upon all of us, His children, that through the inflowing of His Divine Love we may all experience the Peace that Passeth all Understanding. Amen.

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