
Tenets of Foundation Church of the New Birth

As Revealed in the contents of

True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, Vols. I-IV.


We Believe that the soul of man is the same, in this world and in the next; and that, with physical death, man, manifesting a spirit body, enters the spirit world to exist therein; and that his soul will continue to be purified, in time to come, until he reaches that plane in the spirit world called Paradise, or the Sphere of the Perfect Man.


We Believe that there is a Sphere beyond that of the Perfect Man, where human souls have reached a state of perfection and purification beyond which they can no longer aspire, and that this Sphere, the Celestial Heavens, is open to those souls who seek the Divine Love of the Heavenly Father. This Divine Love, bestowed upon man in response to earnest prayer, not merely purifies his human soul but transforms it into the Essence of the Father, so that the soul is aware of, and in possession of, immortality. This is the salvation that Jesus taught as the Messiah of the Father, in contradistinction to the perfect human soul, as taught by Moses.


We Believe that the true mission of Jesus, as the Christ, was to teach the Jews and all humanity the fact that, with his own soul as evidence, the Father's Love had been made available to mankind, and that immortality now resides in the soul's obtaining the Father's Divine Love through prayer to Him for Its possession. The potentiality of receiving this Love had been lost with the fall of our first parents.


We Believe that the divinity of Jesus was made manifest in his divine soul, which became divine on earnest prayer to the Father throughout the hidden years of his life, until he at last realized what his mission was; and that the Divine Love may now enter the soul of whosoever seeks It in earnest prayer and thereby receives It, through the ministrations of the Holy Spirit--that energy of the Father which conveys His Love into the human soul.


We Believe that Jesus was thus born of Mary and Joseph in accordance with God's law for the reproduction of humankind, yet born of the Holy Spirit in the sense that it was this agency which brought so much of the Father's Love into Jesus' soul that he realized it was like unto the Father's in Essence, and knew that in that way he was the Christ.


We Believe that such rebirth of the human soul into a Divine soul, as first experienced by Jesus through prayer to the Father for His Love, is the true meaning of the New Birth and the New Heart promised to mankind by God through the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.


We Believe in God, the Father, as a real, personal God, the Creator Soul, composed of Divine Love as His Essence, and all the wonderful Divine Virtues such as Goodness, Mercy, Kindness, Compassion and Patience, and eager to have His children turn to Him in earnest prayer to obtain His Love, so that their souls can be changed from human souls, the reflection of the Father's Soul, into Divine souls filled to abundance with His Love and Essence through prayer to Him, in this world and in the next, throughout all eternity.


We Believe that God is One, Unique and Alone, and not divided, as some religious cults believe, into three personalities. God is Soul, and Soul is God, Who has never appeared in the flesh in any guise or form, nor has ever manifested a spirit body, the vestment of the human soul after the death of the physical body. God is the Living Personality Divine, our Eternal Father in Heaven, Who is ever seeking the good and happiness of His children, and Whom the human soul may know through the soul perceptions awakened by faith, prayer, and the inflowing of the Divine Love.


We Believe that sin is a violation of God's Laws of Perfect Harmony, the penalty for which must be paid by man on entry into the spirit world, where, now a spirit and subject to God's spiritual laws, his abode therein is determined by the condition of his soul. Hence, the evil soul dwells in a place of suffering and darkness as it goes through a period of expiation until it achieves purity. The achievement of such purity is forgetfulness, or what has been called forgiveness. No soul purity may be achieved through any vicarious atonement, or shedding of blood, the relic of barbarous practices among primitive men, but only as man realizes his errors and, repentant, seeks reconciliation with the Father through prayer and undergoes the period of purification.


We Believe that the condition of man's soul is not fixed forever at the time of his death in the flesh, as taught by some churches, but that whether on earth or as a spirit, the soul may at any time turn to God and seek to be purified of sin, and that the great help in purification, and, indeed, in the converting of the human soul and its imperfections into a Divine soul like unto that of God in Essence, is through earnest prayer to the Father for His Divine Love and Mercy, so that the soul achieves at-onement with God and a place in His Kingdom, the Celestial Heavens, of which Jesus, the Messiah, is Master and Prince of Peace.


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