We are New Birth Christians and members of the FOUNDATION CHURCH OF THE
NEW BIRTH, an interdenominational 'church without walls.' The Church is a
through-the-mail, and via the Internet, nonprofit church, incorporated in
January, 1958 in Washington, D.C., USA, for the sole purpose of disseminating
the vital truths of the Divine Love of God, our Heavenly Father--this Love being
the greatest attribute of His Divine, Immortal Soul and the only Substance in
the universe that can bestow immortality upon the souls of mankind.
This great instrument
of salvation was first brought to light by Jesus of Nazareth in 33 A.D., when
he began his public ministry, and was revealed anew by Jesus through the
mediumship of Mr. James E. Padgett beginning in 1914 and later through the
mediumship of Dr. Daniel G. Samuels beginning in 1954.
We have no church buildings where
congregations assemble to worship. Instead we advocate small groups of ten or
less meeting in the homes to study and worship together--to worship our Heavenly
Father and to study the divine truths contained in the messages received by Mr.
Padgett and Dr. Samuels.