47 Birthplace of Jesus Was Foretold in a Prophecy of Micah. By Jesus.

I am here, Jesus.

I am here again tonight to continue with my message on the prophecies that indicated my Messiahship, and the fact is that there are some several hundreds of isolated passages in the Old Testament which have been indicated to represent Messianic statements and, of course, I have no intention of discussing all these statements, but I will write tonight about a few of them.

The first of these which I will discuss is the ninth chapter of Daniel, the prophet, who wrote about the event of the Christ who was to appear for his people and be cut off by them and also his system of counting the years by means of weeks, which suggested that at the time of ministry, or before, the designated Messiah was already on earth; and the fact is that this prophecy of Daniel may be considered a true Messianic passage.*

And again, I may speak of the fifth chapter of Micah, which I have seen has been used as a means of identifying, and also rejecting, one of these Messianic prophecies according to the notation written by Mr. Padgett.** And the fact is that the most important point in that chapter is mention of Bethlehem of Judah as the natal town of the leader of the Hebrews, which was announced of old, a statement which is considerably confused with the Assyrian invasion of Israel.

Now this statement is out of context from the rest of the chapter and appears incongruent, because the Assyrian invaders came in the eighth century B.C., as it is called, and the invaders of later times were not Assyrians, but Chaldeans and Babylonians, and the Hebrews were eventually conquered and sent, in part, to Babylonia for the seventy years of captivity.

The prophet, in referring to Bethlehem, was evidently calling for a son of the royal house of David sitting in Jerusalem; but aside from Josiah, there was no considerate king of Judah worth much to the advancement of the kingdom of Judah, and soon after his death the Babylonian captivity was realized.

It must be considered, therefore, that the prophecy concerning Bethlehem was one in which the coming leader was not to be a king of the Jews in the physical sense, but in the spiritual sense, and that the Assyrians invading the palace were simply evil and sinful men whose iniquities would be eliminated by the spiritual works of the Jewish leader from Bethlehem.

I had not intended to write in detail about the fifth chapter of Micah, but to simply mention in passing, among other prophecies concerning the Messiah to be found in some of the writings in Deuteronomy; but I thought it appropriate to discuss it a bit in detail in view of the annotation written in the Bible of Mr. Padgett, and to state that many of these prophetic writings, or utterances regarding the coming of the Messiah generally appear out of context with the rest of the passage, or chapter, and have to be taken as an independent passage, for otherwise the significance of them is lost in the references to contemporary events. And in the Old Testament, covering some nine hundred or a thousand years of continual political activity, and including for many of these years both the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, as well as the various kingdoms who were their neighbors, it is easy to perceive that such a condition could easily be entered into and the flash of intuition merged and lost with the clouds of events that obscure it.

I will stop now and close with all my love to the Doctor and to you, and urge you to keep praying for the Divine Love to increase your soul perceptions and obtain further revelations and to have more and increased faith that it is I, Jesus of the Bible, who am using your brain to write these thoughts. And so, with my love to you as well, I am

Your friend and elder brother,

Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens.

* In a later writing Jesus went into greater detail about Daniel's prophecies -- see Revelation 14.
** In his Bible, as mentioned below.

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