50 The Words Supposedly Uttered by Jesus on the Cross. By Jesus.

I am here, Jesus.

I am here tonight to explain some material in the New Testament dealing with a subject that is quite unpleasant to me, for it deals with my crucifixion and is one which I would fain forget, or at least not to recall it when there exists no reason for recalling it. But I would like to say a few words concerning the circumstances surrounding it, and first of all I would like to say that I did no talking while on the cross because of the pain and exhaustion of my body physically.

And while it is true that there were two others who were crucified with me, one on each side, yet they did no talking to me, and neither did one mock me, nor did the other seek any pardon from me or seek the Kingdom of God from me, nor did I tell him that that night he would be in Paradise with me. For it is obvious that I had no authority to forgive sin as it is stated in various passages of the New Testament, and the only way for man to achieve forgiveness of sins is through the obtaining of the Divine Love or through purification of the natural love, a long and tedious process that fits the individual soul for a place in the Sixth Sphere.

So you can readily see that the account of the sinner who supposedly went with me to Paradise is entirely false and merely the result of the active imagination of the writer who recopied the original account.

Another incident which I wish to clear up is the story of the words which I am supposed to have uttered while on the cross, and the first of these was, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" This sentence is the first sentence, or opening lines, of a Psalm, the Twenty-Second, which is indeed messianic in substance, for it deals with the sufferings of the afflicted. But I did not say these words in order to fulfill the prophecy embodied in that Psalm, nor did I say, "I thirst," because that, too, is found in the Psalm and is also a fulfillment.

Nor did I say what are supposed to be my last words on earth: "Into Thy Hands I commend my spirit," found in the Thirty-First Psalm, in order to fulfill the saying contained in it, for I never said any of these words or sentences, or sayings, at all.

The truth of the matter is that after my death the copyists searching the Scriptures found these passages within the Psalms and therefore decided that I must have said them so that these Psalms would be fulfilled. Thus they wrote the account of my crucifixion with these additions, in order to show that I had done or said things which would fulfill the Scriptures. But again, these accounts are false and entirely without foundation. They should be eliminated from the New Testament and the reason for their existence as I have explained.

You were right in your thoughts about Thomas being the second Disciple who left Jerusalem on the day of my so-called resurrection from the dead. He and Cleopas left for Emmaus that afternoon, to escape what they thought was going to be certain arrest and crucifixion, as had happened to me. So I went after them in order to bring them back to Jerusalem and have all the disciples together when I should next see them in the flesh. It was important for me to reanimate them in their faith in me, and that was the reason that I overtook them near Emmaus.

Thomas had begun to doubt, and his attitude could have been disastrous to the entire plan of salvation by bringing pessimism and skepticism into the minds of my followers. So you see why I went to Emmaus and had Thomas and Cleopas recognize me when I broke bread with them. They immediately regained their faith and returned to Jerusalem to face whatever dangers there might be, and Thomas, the next Friday, was there to put his fingers into my body. But, the important thing was that he was there, and the crucial time had been overcome in victory.

I heard what the Doctor* wrote his friend regarding the existence of a soulmate of mine, and I think best that at this time the subject be withheld, or discouraged, from those who have not a sufficient portion of the Divine Love in their souls to grasp the full meaning of what soulmate love is and how the law of soulmate love operates in the spiritual and soul spheres. I may write you at some time just who my soulmate is in the Celestial Heavens, but aside from the Doctor I wish it understood that her identity be concealed.

I think I shall stop now because I see that you are tired, but I was glad to have the opportunity to write you again tonight, and shall come again to continue our messages designed to eliminate the falsities in the New Testament that deal with my life and messages.

So with all my love to you and the Doctor, and urging you to keep on praying for the Divine love of the Father and come closer to Him in seeking At-onement with Him, I shall stop now and sign myself

Jesus of the Bible
Master of the Celestial Heavens

* Dr. Leslie R. Stone.

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