ADDENDUM - Dr. Samuels' Instrumentality....a true child....

Dr. Samuels' Instrumentality Is Serving a Dual Purpose

A Writing Received by Dr. Daniel G. Samuels October 21, 1954.

I AM HERE, Jesus:

I know that my coming again is a surprise to you, since you did not have any idea that I would come again. And so you see that I am trying to build up in you the knowledge that I am really Jesus and that I am really conveying messages to you of importance to the development of your own soul through the Divine Love, as well as of importance to the salvation of mankind through the imparting of messages dealing with the Father's truths.

You must not doubt the veracity of the messages that I convey to you, and I would like you to understand that in time your knowledge of me and the Father's Love will be developed to a point where you will have the power to do what I have promised to you. Only have faith and pray continually to the Father for His Divine Love.

What I told you about Thomas and his flight to Emmaus* holds as true today as when he did so the day that I rose from the tomb and showed myself to Mary Magdalene. And I also want to say that I am satisfied by your effort to have faith in my truths, and that you are earnestly praying to the Father for His Love and help in receiving my messages. So keep trying to have faith in me and my writings, and be encouraged to receive them. That is why I have come again -- to tell you this.

Keep reading the messages which I and the Celestials gave to the world through Mr. Padgett, for they are a great source of satisfaction and knowledge of the truths, and they can be used to stimulate faith in me and in the Father. Also read the Old and New Testaments with a view to comprehending those portions that you cannot understand, or question, and I will come and point out the truths just as they occurred.

So have faith in me, the Master, and you shall be able to progress in your spiritual life to the extent that you could never believe possible. And continue to pray as a redeemed child of God and have faith in me as the Master in the Celestial Kingdom. I shall stop now, but I shall come again to you and the Doctor** and tell you I am your friend and elder brother who loves you both with real love and affection.

Jesus of the Bible.

* See New Testament Revelation 50.
** Dr. Leslie R. Stone was present.

Dr. Samuels Has Become a True Child of the Father

A Writing Received by Dr. Samuels October 28, 1954.

I AM HERE, Jesus:

I am here tonight to let you know that I am pleased with your condition tonight and to confirm that through your persistence in praying for the Divine Love that you have, indeed, become a true child of the Father in the sense that you have gone through the New Birth and are redeemed. Only you must know that does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that you are without sin or error but that you have that sufficiency of the Divine Love to enable it to insure your redemption. And I say with all earnestness for you to continue to pray harder and more frequently for this Divine Love of the Father and you will not be disappointed, and will realize all the powers and benefits thereunto pertaining, if not now, then in time to come, here on earth and certainly in the world to come.

And, as usual, I am here to encourage you and to let you know that I am that Jesus of Nazareth who walked the roads of Palestine with my Disciples in the days of Antipas and of Herod and the Roman centurians and soldiers who filled Jerusalem.

I wish to say that I am going to continue my discourses with you on the authenticity of the Bible until such a time as you may be in that special condition that I may be able to deliver a formal message on the higher truths. But this must depend entirely upon you and your faith that you can take these messages, as well as the condition into which you get through the inflowing of the Divine Love.

Now, I know that you have been investigating the truths of the New Testament with regard to the identity of the Apostles, and you have not been far from your conception of who were the sons of Alphaeus, a somewhat mysterious gentleman who seems to have been the father of three of my Disciples, for it is mentioned in various of the Gospels that not only James and Judas were sons of his but also Thaddeus Levi, the Publican. And it is true that this Levi, the Matthew of the Gospels, was a son of an Alphaeus, which was a common name amongst the Jews of the time, but that this Alphaeus was not the same as the Alphaeus of the two brothers who were also my brothers in the flesh; for the name Alphaeus was that of the Hebrew Joseph, a common name amongst the Hebrews of the time.*

I cannot continue with this at the present time because I see you are not in condition to write more on the subject, so I will close now and say good night to you and the Doctor.**

Your brother and friend,


* See New Testament Revelation 36.
** Dr. Leslie R. Stone.

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