I am here, Your Grandmother.
What a truthful and important message the Master wrote you, and he knows that what he said is of the most vital importance to mankind. I only wish that all mankind could hear his message, for if that could be, many a thinking and perhaps thoughtless man would turn his thoughts to God and strive to obtain that Great Love, of which the Master wrote so eloquently.
The more I think of the great work that you have been selected to do, the more I am surprised, because, as I conceive it to be, this work is of more importance to mankind than anything that has been attempted since the Master was on earth and unfolded to his disciples and hearers the great truths of His Father.
So try with all your faith and earnestness to get into as high spiritual condition as possible so that you may be able to receive and write the important and heretofore hidden truths which the Master shall disclose to you. He is so much in earnest that these truths shall be given to mankind, that he has done you the greatest honor that could possibly be bestowed upon you.