Comments on the discourse of the preacher on God by Jesus.

Let me say a few words tonight.

I was with you again at the services and listened to the preacher as he expounded the truth of God and the truth of man as he conceived these truths to be, and I am compelled to say that if his future state of happiness depended upon these supposed truths he would be a very unhappy spirit in one of the million heavens of which he spoke.

I am sorry that men can conceive of such notions of God and man, and teach them to other mortals. But so it will be for many years, and until my teachings, through you, are accepted and believed by men, great darkness and error will prevail in the earth.

It is hardly necessary for me to attempt to analyze many of his erroneous statements, for they are so many and so erroneous that it will take too long a message to review them all.

But I will say one thing, and that is, that when he attempted to show that God's energy and man's energy are one and the same, he was all wrong, and knew not what he said. God is a being who is infinite and omnipotent and as to his energies there is no limits, while man is a mere creature of God, and cannot possibly have any greater or other energy than he was created with; and this energy is controlled by the soul that is man, and is subject to all the limitations of that soul.

Well, I will not write more tonight, but hope ere long to write you one of my messages of truth.

I see that you have been somewhat in doubt as to the reality of the truths of the messages that you have received, and as to the power of the Divine Love to make you a child of God, in the sense divine. You must not let such doubts enter your soul for one moment, for they are the breeders of other things that are most harmful and tend to alienate you from the Father. As you are aware, God's love is all around you, and may be in you, and if permitted to flow into your soul, with faith accompanying it, you will find yourself growing in at-onement with the Father, and realize that fact. So my brother get rid of your doubts and come to God in the faith that is childlike and dependent. He will not disappoint you. I will be with you, and try to help you in your desires.

Pray more to the Father, and believe that His love is yours; only for the longing and seeking.

I will not write more tonight.

Rest assured that my love is with you in all its fulness, and believe that you have a work to do.

Good night. JESUS.

Vol. II, p. 197

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