Comments on the glory of Jesus as she saw him the other night.

I am here. * Saleeba (Egyptian Princess).

I want to tell you that I was a witness the other night to the wonderful display by Jesus of his great power and glory--and what a wonderful demonstration it was!

I never in all my long experience in the spiritual spheres saw anything that approached, and no spirit in the highest intellectual sphere could for a moment show the great effulgence of light that Jesus did. So you see, I now know positively that the Master is the son of God, and has this Divine Love to a degree that, as I am informed, no spirit who was then present, except probably, some of the apostles, had any conception of.

I am now convinced to the depths of my soul that the Divine Love of the Father is a real existing thing and that it makes beautiful and Godlike those who possess it. Now I shall strive harder than ever to get it, and the great happiness which I now know must be the experience of those who have this Divine Love to a great degree.

I merely wanted to tell you this, because, as you know, I am one who a short time ago had never heard of this Great Love.

So thanking you for your kindness, I am

Your sister in Christ,




Vol. II, p. 288

* Saleeba--Ancient spirit of the sixth sphere now progressing to the Celestial Spheres.

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