Jesus Says--Ann Rollins is a very capable spirit in discussing those things which reveal to men the truths of the Father.

I AM HERE, Jesus.

I merely want to tell you to-night that you are so much better in your condition for writing my messages, and for receiving the love of the Father in your soul.

You took my message the other night in a very satisfactory way, and I am pleased with the manner in which you caught my meaning. So very soon we will have another message and a very important one.

I am with you in your hours of lonesomeness trying to help you and comfort you, and lead you to the love of the Father.

To-night, I will not write more, as I desire that another shall write, who will give you a message that will interest you very much.

I mean your grandmother. She is a very capable spirit, in discussing the things pertaining to the spirit. I mean those things which reveal to men the truths of the Father, as she has learned them and understands them; not merely in a mental sense, but in the way of her soul perceptions.

So you will receive much benefit from what she may write, and you will realize that she is a wonderful spirit in the knowledge of all these things that tell of God's love, and of His care and mercy towards mankind.

I will now with my love and blessings and those of the Father say good-night.

Your friend and brother, JESUS.



Vol. II, p. 80
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