St. Stephen Affirms Jesus Wrote.

I am here, and desire to write just a few lines, for you are not in condition for lengthy writing tonight.

The Master was disappointed, but he is so loving and good that he did not complain and only wanted you to feel that you must not worry, because of the fact that you could not take his message--but nevertheless he was disappointed.

I understand that you could not control your sleepiness and are not to blame, but it was unfortunate, and it must in some way, if possible, be avoided in the future.

If you only realized the great importance of these messages and the great number that are yet to be written, you would bend every effort to facilitate their reception. I am not saying this complainingly, but merely stating a fact. So try your best to get in a good condition so that there will be no failure in your receiving the messages.

I am so very much interested in this work and so are a host of other spirits who realize the importance of these truths being given to mankind. They are the only truths, and never since the time when the Master was on earth have they been revealed to man.

I will not write more tonight, but will say with all my love that I am
your brother in Christ.

Vol. II, pg. 135
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