Jesus explains the Necessary Conditions Required So That the Higher Spirits Can Help Those in Lower Spheres.
The object of man's life on earth and the necessity of doing certain things whereby man can become perfect man--but not the divine man.
Paul wants to write what he knows to be the truth. And also correct errors in his epistles as contained in the Bible.
R.E. God's laws are not changed but when the Divine Love comes into the soul the lesser law of compensation is removed from the scope of its working.
John. Truth, Knowledge and Love.
Elameros. Spirit who heard Jesus' teachings when he was on earth.
Jesus. Nothing in Existence or in the Knowledge of man comparable to the Bible--except the truths that Jesus and the Celestial spirits have written through Mr. Padgett.
Daniel Webster affirms that Jesus and spirits of the higher spheres are revealing the great truths of the Father through Mr. Padgett.
Helen affirms that Celestial Spirits wrote.
Luke. Religion is the relationship and harmony of men's souls with the Soul of God. Difference is the results of the teachings of the various churches.